Monday, October 22, 2012

Health & Nutrition Programs

If you aren't 100% satisfied with your life AND your state of health (weight, energy, mood, diet, etc.) then commit to yourself to attend the presentation and see what options are available to you.  More and more research surfaces daily about food, health, illness, and healing.


Then there are 2 plans below to choose from OR  you can request a single evaluation to tailor to more specific needs.

Options will include either: 1) a 30-day generalized plan or 2) 6 months of health & wellness coaching

  Plan 1 includes the basic 30-day outline, recipes, food guide, & 1 coaching session.  Cost =  $60/initial session & $40/addtl sessions

  Plan 2 includes all the above plus an initial health & wellness assessment, goal setting map, food/mood journal & the following weekly items: personalized 1-hr sessions (cooking, grocery shopping, exercise support including yoga, etc.), phone/email check-ins, & a newsletter (including educational/support articles, recipes &  more).  Cost = $100/mth with 6 mth commitment