As we near the middle of August in the South, it's surprising how mild the temperatures have become. More rain than usual and earlier cooler breezes than expected. After an early, long, & scalding summer all over the country, many are whispering soft and loud prayers for an early Fall, including me. Each season brings it's beauty & it's beast but an over-abundance of one often leaves us craving for it's opposite especially when it's the beastly version in the form of heat & humidity. It's amazing how weather can affect our moods so strongly, especially when we experiences it's extremes, it's unbalances, just like our own.
This fiery hot summer has been filled with much happiness with the Olympics but also much hate & hostility via election campaigns, corrupt countries, & religious hostility. No matter what "side" you are drawn to, the extremes and antagonism is obvious. What happen to non-violent resistance? peaceful protest? giving your left cheek also when your right has been slapped? not opposing or resisting or fighting the perceived "evil" of another? Violence begets violence. That's not to say that we cannot or should not protect ourselves and our loved ones, but how we choose to do so speaks to our INTENTIONS, that which motivates and drives our behaviors. Shall we let the outside world continue to drive and control us or shall we exert great self (spiritual) - control and be the master of our destiny?

So back to the idea of balance amidst the imbalances. I like to use the image of the yin-yang. Light & dark, masculine & feminine, active & passive, all working together within and around each other harmoniously. A perfect relationship of how to work with the seasons and differences we experience in our lives.
- Think about an event, thought or recent experience that "makes your blood boil" like the fire of summer (or something not as hot for the 1st time).
- Ask yourself these 4 questions:
a) Is what I believe about this person/situation really 100% true?
(ex. BELIEF: My ex- shouldn't be invited to my family event.)
b) If your 1st reaction is "yes!," Ask again: Can I absolutely know that it's true?
(ex. No, I can't know that it's really true even if I don't want them there.)
c) How do I react, what happens, when I believe that thought?
(ex. I feel hot & angry and want to tell them off!)
d) Who would I be without that thought?
(ex. I would be relaxed and focused on the event and seeing my family.)
e) Turn the thought around & give 3 genuine examples of how the turnaround could be true here.
(ex. My ex- should be there...because he was a part of the family for a long time,
because he was invited, because anyone can technically come & it's not my business.)
f) Find another turnaround and examples if you're still not fully convinced.
This method is called The Work as created by Byron Katie. For more information, see her website or App where Katie will take you through the work on your iPhone or Android.
Let the seasons of nature and of life flow through you so that each day you might grow stronger and more settled in the path you are walking.
This fiery hot summer has been filled with much happiness with the Olympics but also much hate & hostility via election campaigns, corrupt countries, & religious hostility. No matter what "side" you are drawn to, the extremes and antagonism is obvious. What happen to non-violent resistance? peaceful protest? giving your left cheek also when your right has been slapped? not opposing or resisting or fighting the perceived "evil" of another? Violence begets violence. That's not to say that we cannot or should not protect ourselves and our loved ones, but how we choose to do so speaks to our INTENTIONS, that which motivates and drives our behaviors. Shall we let the outside world continue to drive and control us or shall we exert great self (spiritual) - control and be the master of our destiny?
So back to the idea of balance amidst the imbalances. I like to use the image of the yin-yang. Light & dark, masculine & feminine, active & passive, all working together within and around each other harmoniously. A perfect relationship of how to work with the seasons and differences we experience in our lives.
- Think about an event, thought or recent experience that "makes your blood boil" like the fire of summer (or something not as hot for the 1st time).
- Ask yourself these 4 questions:
a) Is what I believe about this person/situation really 100% true?
(ex. BELIEF: My ex- shouldn't be invited to my family event.)
b) If your 1st reaction is "yes!," Ask again: Can I absolutely know that it's true?
(ex. No, I can't know that it's really true even if I don't want them there.)
c) How do I react, what happens, when I believe that thought?
(ex. I feel hot & angry and want to tell them off!)
d) Who would I be without that thought?
(ex. I would be relaxed and focused on the event and seeing my family.)
e) Turn the thought around & give 3 genuine examples of how the turnaround could be true here.
(ex. My ex- should be there...because he was a part of the family for a long time,
because he was invited, because anyone can technically come & it's not my business.)
f) Find another turnaround and examples if you're still not fully convinced.
This method is called The Work as created by Byron Katie. For more information, see her website or App where Katie will take you through the work on your iPhone or Android.
Let the seasons of nature and of life flow through you so that each day you might grow stronger and more settled in the path you are walking.